PAOC goes to Ocean Sciences

PAOC goes to Ocean Sciences

Tue February 28th, 2012
Helen Hill


Ocean Sciences, the bi-annual meeting co-sponsored by The Oceanography Society, the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography and the American Geophysical Union, this year took place in February in Salt Lake City, Utah. Listed below are the titles of PAOC members' papers and posters.

Papers authored (or co-authored) by members of PAOC. Click on the talk title to access the abstract.

Ryan Abernathey (with John Marshall)Global estimates of eddy mixing rates and implications for tracer uptake 
Michael BatesUsing an embedded Lagrangian model to represent downslope flows in level coordinate ocean climate modelsPoster
Alec Bogdanoff Spatiotemporal relationships of extreme diurnal warming eventsPoster
Renee Boiteau (with Jessica Fitzsimmons, Ed Boyle)Characterization of organic ligands in cultures and seawater by HPLC-ICP-MS Poster
Ed Boyle (with Yolanda Echegoyen-Sanz, Richard Kayser)The Evolving Atlantic Pb and Pb Isotope DistributionPoster
Marth Buckley (with David Ferreira and Jean-Michel Campin)Decadel variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulationPoster
Jean-Michel Campin (with Chris Hill, David Ferreira, John Marshall and Ryan Abernathay)Simulating the adiabatic interior of the Southern Ocean with an eddying z-coordinate modelPoster
Gonzalo Carrasco

Sources and transport of zinc and cadmium and their complexing ligands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: Differential ligand decay in specific water masses


(with Ed Boyle) Lead, cadmium and copper concentrations and lead isotope distribution in seawater, sediments and coral in the northern Persian (Arabian) Gulf near Kuwait (Poster)

Ru Chen (with Glenn Flierl, Carl Wunsch)
Sophie Clayton (with Mick Follows)The Kuroshio Front: Ecological barrier or blender? 
Holly Dail (with Carl Wunsch)Atmospheric forcing and deep ocean conditions: Are they in equilibrium for the modern Atlantic?Poter
Stephanie Dutkiewicz (with Ben Ward, Jeff Scott, Mick Follows)Modeling the interconnection between ecosystems and biogeochemistry in a changing ocean 
Raf Ferrari (with Sophia Merrifield, John Taylor)What physics triggers phytoplankton blooms? 
David Ferreira (with Mick Follows & John Marshall)How do ocean circulation and basin geometry regulate the large-scale distribution of oxygen in the global ocean? 
Jessica Fitzsimmons (with Ed Boyle)Iron colloids: Intercalibration and tropical north atlantic distribution 
Mick Follows 

Modeling marine microbes: From molecules to ecosystems [PLENARY SESSION - scroll down for abstract]



Gael Forget (with Patrick Heimbach, Chris Hill and Jean-Michel Campin)A global, eddying, dynamically-consistent, ocean and sea ice state estimate obtained using adjoint methodPoster
Patrick Heimbach The rationale for a sustained deep ocean observing system: Oceans and climate physics 
Rachel Horwitz

The effect of stratification on wind-driven, cross-shelf circulation on the inner shelf

Evan HowardQuantifying in-situ production of benthic microalgae using triple oxygen isotopesPoster
Rebecca JacksonCirculation and mixing in Greenland's glacial fjords inferred from pathways and transformationn of glacially modified waters 
Cara ManningDesign and testing of a portable mass spectrometer for shipboard measurement of dissolved noble gasesPoster
Stephanie Owens

A new record of particle flux at the Atlantic Bermuda time-series from neutrally buoyant sediment traps


234TH: 238U Disequilibrium along the western Atlantic ocean during GEOTRACES AG02 and POC export flux estimates

Kim PopendorfGradients in intact polar membrane lipids across the Mediterranean sea are related to phosphate availabilityPoster
Pierre Rampal (and Patrick Heimbach)Modeling the arctic sea ice age 
Julian SchanzeBuoyancy fluxes and cabbeling in the global oceanPoster
Jeff Scott (with Stephanie Dutkiewicz and Andre Sokolov)Quantifying incertainty in the uptake of heat and carbon in the 21st century 
Rebecca Walsh DellNonlinear overflows in the abyssal bottom boundary layerPoster
Ben Ward (Stephanie Dutkiewicz and Mick Follows)Nutrient supply ratios and nitrogen fixation define biogeochemical provinces 
Nick WoodsPhysical controls on dense copepod aggregations in the Great South Channel 
Cimarron WorthamImpact of topography on the propogation and vertical structure of  long Rossby wavesPoster

Email missing information/additional material(e.g.pdfs of posters)/errata etc to

Ocean Sciences 2012 meeting website

The 2014 meeting is scheduled to take place February 23-28 at the Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.