EAPS Announces New Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

EAPS Announces New Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Mon November 6th, 2017
Helen Hill | EAPS News

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The recently launched Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences (EAPS) seeks to support exceptional early-career scientists with interests across the broad range of disciplines represented in the department.

The goal of the new fellowships, while seeking to attract the best and the brightest talent to join EAPS, is also, most importantly, to benefit the postdocs themselves, allowing them freedom to pursue their interests without the constraints of specific funding sources. Fellowship support will also allow the successful candidate to work with faculty in different disciplinary areas, an invaluable opportunity throughout the earth and planetary sciences where the most interesting research can happen at the interface between different disciplines.

The program, built on the success of EAPS's Crosby Postdoctoral Fellowship, will appoint one or more new fellows each year.

As an EAPS-wide program, all fellows will be selected through a common process, however each fellow will be awarded a differently named fellowship depending on their research interests and the broadly defined disciplinary affiliation of the fund that supports each fellowship: The Crosby Fellowship in geology, geochemistry and geobiology; the Houghton Fellowship in atmosphere, ocean and climate sciences; and the Lorenz Fellowship in climate science.

Program committee co-chair Professor Taylor Perron says, “We hope this program will lead to many mutually beneficial collaborations, and recent experience with comparable fellowships, for example the Crosby, suggests that this is almost always the case.”

For more information and to apply: https://eapsweb-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/DPF


Fellowship Details:

Houghton Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Houghton Postdoctoral Fellowship was established in 2017

About Henry Houghton
Henry Houghton served for 25 years as Head of the Department of Meteorology (predecessor of what has become the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate). During that long period, the Department established an unsurpassed standard of excellence in these fields. On his death, Prof. Houghton left the bulk of his estate to the new Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences to establish the Henry Houghton Fund.

Lorenz Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Lorenz Postdoctoral Fellowship was established in 2017

About Edward N. Lorenz
Ed Lorenz, a founder of chaos theory, also developed revolutionary ideas about the energetics of stratified, rotating fluids and made important contributions to the understanding of atmospheric dynamics and weather prediction. He was on the faculty of MIT from 1955 to his retirement in 1988. Through his profound contributions to science as well as his quiet demeanor, gentle humility, and love of nature, he set a compelling example of what it means to be a gentleman and a scholar.

Crosby Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Crosby Postdoctoral Fellowship was established in 2012

About W. O. Crosby
William O. Crosby joined the MIT faculty in 1878. He was a popular teacher, leading countless field trips that introduced MIT students and Boston residents to the geology of the Boston Basin. Crosby was considered the nation’s top expert on dams, consulted on the construction of the Charles River Dam and the excavation of subway tunnels in Boston, and investigated the foundation conditions for the new MIT campus in Cambridge.


Learn more at EAPS News.