The annual EAPS Freshman pre-orientation exploration program in Extreme Weather and Climate involved falling fruit, scintillating stargazing, magnificent Mt Washington: All this plus a very EAPS take on the ALS ice bucket challenge.
See all the photos via EAPS Flickr photostream (Photos credit Amanda Bosh, Helen Hill, Paul Richardson, and Jeff Scott as noted)
The annual EAPS Freshman pre-orientation exploration program in Extreme Weather and Climate covers some of the most interesting and challenging aspect of weather and climate research.
Led by Senior Lecturer Lodovica Illari, this year with support from grad students Vince Agard, Daniel Gilford, Daniel Rothenberg, and Paul Richardson, with additional assistance from undergraduate TAs Casey Hilgenbrink and Costa Christopoulos, 15 incoming Freshman enjoyed lectures, carried out experiments indoors and out, participated in astronomical observing, and spent a perfect weekend in northern New Hampshire hiking Mount Washington, exploring the local ecology and geomorphology, and visiting the weather observatory on the summit - Kevin L. even took advantage of the rotating table in the fluids lab to take the ALS ice bucket challenge.