Research and Education in
Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate

Upcoming Events

March 18th, 2025
Clark 507


December 5th, 2022
Those selected for these positions receive additional support to pursue their research and develop their careers. more
November 17th, 2022
Seven professors join the departments of Biology; Chemistry; Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences; Mathematics; and Physics. more
November 13th, 2022
Brown carbon - carbon released from burning biomass - is trapping smoke in the atmosphere more


Nat Microbiol, 03 November 2022.
Wu Z., Aharonovich, D., Roth-Rosenberg, D., Weissberg, O., Luzzatto-Knaan, T., Vogts, A., Zoccarato, L., Eigemann, F., Grossart, H-P., Voss, M., Follows, M. J., Sher, D.
Science Advances, 2 Dec 2022, 8 (48), doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abn8762
Qiu, M., Zigler, C.M., Selin, N.E.
Cael, B.B., Bisson, K., Boss, E. et al. Global climate-change trends detected in indicators of ocean ecology. Nature (2023).
Cael, B.B., Bisson, K., Boss, E., Dutkiewicz, S. & Henson, S.